Thursday, August 21, 2014

Sci-Tech & Solution

19 People And Products You Didn’t Know Came From Israel

From technology to entertainment, Israel has given some pretty cool things to the world.

1. SodaStream

2. Waze

In 2013, Waze won the Best Overall Mobile App award at the Mobile World Congress and was purchased by Google for a cool $1.3 billion

3. Natalie Portman

Born Natalie Hershlag in Jerusalem

4. Max Brenner Chocolate Bar

With locations in the USA, Australia, the Philippines, Singapore and Israel

5. Viber

6. WiX

7. Cherry Tomatoes

8. Rummikub

The most popular game in the USA in 1977


Began as, which was founded in Israel in 1998 by Dr. Nahum Sharfman and Amir Ashkenazi

10. USB Flash Drive

Invented by the Israeli company M-Systems

11. Hillel Slovak

The Red Hot Chili Peppers’ original guitarist; born in Haifa, Israel

12. Microsoft Windows XP

Primarily developed in Israel; in 2008, Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer said: “If you do the math, Microsoft is almost as much an Israeli company as it is an American company.”

13. Paranormal Activity

Written and directed by Israeli Oren Peli

14. ICQ

Known today as AOL Chat

15. Power Rangers

Produced by Saban Entertainment, founded by Israeli Haim Saban

16. Amazon’s Kindle

Israeli Lilach Zipory and her team at Sun developed a device for reading the Kindle.

17. Homeland

Based on the Israeli series Hatufim (“Prisoners of War”)

18. Computer Printing As We Know It Today

The E-Print 1000, launched by Israeli company Indigo in 1993, enabled printing directly from a computer file

19. Gene Simmons from Kiss

Born Haim Witz in Haifa, Israel

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A Simple Plant Kills Up To 98% Of Cancer Cells – And Stops Diabetes

I’m always looking for natural substances that throw a “monkey wrench” into the peculiar metabolism of cancer cells. It’s vital these substances kill cancer cells and leave normal cells untouched.


By Dr Robert Rowen

I’ve told you about some of my discoveries in the past. They include resveratrol, green tea, Seanol, and others. But today I’m going to tell you about another plant that safely starves cancer cells as efficiently as a powerful chemo drug. In fact, it even works on pancreatic cancer cells, which are particularly difficult to kill.
This plant is a common vegetable from Asia called “bitter melon.” It is popular among the long-lived population of Okinawa, Japan.

Bitter melon juice diluted to just 5% in water showed remarkable potency in severely damaging all four pancreatic cancer cell lines researchers tested. The bitter melon reduced the viability of two cancer cell lines by 90%, while it knocked off the other two lines by a staggering 98%. And it did so after just 72 hours of treatment!

In the past, I’ve told you about apoptosis. That’s nature’s way of dealing with wayward cells. They simply kill themselves. Bitter melon juice induced this programmed cell death along several different pathways. And even better, it also activated a pathway, which shows that it knocks out the cancer cells’ metabolism of glucose. In other words, it literally starved them of the sugar they need to survive.

Do these lab dish studies apply to living animals? A resounding yes! University of Colorado researchers gave mice bitter melon at doses easily achievable in humans. The animals had a 64% reduction in pancreatic tumor size without side effects! This level of effectiveness beat the most commonly used chemo drugs for this lethal cancer.

Monday, August 11, 2014

Windows 9 may get virtual desktops, ditch the Charms bar

The next Windows 8.1 update might prove to be a modest one, but Microsoft has plenty of changes in store for Windows 9. According to insiders, Windows 9 may dump the Charms bar and add support for virtual desktops.

The plan, apparently, is to move Charm functionality into the title bar to make Metro apps a better fit on the Windows 9 Desktop. The move to eliminate the Charms baris a surprising one, but it’s not the first about-face Microsoft has made since introducing Windows 8. The Start Button was unceremoniously killed only to be resurrected in a neutered form, and now we know it’s going to be wired to a full Start Menu again in Windows 9.
We’ve also seen Microsofttweak button layouts on the Start Screen to make powering off and rebooting more obvious. They’ve laid the groundwork for windowed Metro apps by making them appear on the taskbar in Desktop mode and adding a title bar with close button in Metro.
They’re clearly taking user feedback to heart and working to make Windows 9 the new Windows 7 — and squash any Vista-ness that’s been lingering in Windows 8.
It also sounds like power users may finally have official first-party support for virtual desktops in Windows 9. Linux and OS X users have been able to set up multiple desktops for years, and it’s been possible on Windows, too, with the help of third-party software.
With Windows 9, you’ll no longer need a helper app. The plumbing for virtual desktop support has been buried in Windows all along, and it’s great to hear that Microsoft is finally going to give Windows users the option to configure more than one workspace. No, it’s not something that the average user is ever going to bother with, but organized geeks will be all over virtual desktops. I’m willing to bet that a lot of users who hate the Metro interface will applaud the addition.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Sci-Tech & Solution

This Car Runs For 100 Years Without Refueling – The Thorium Car

If your car was powered by thorium, you would never need to refuel it. The vehicle would burn out long before the chemical did. The thorium would last so long, in fact, it would probably outlive you.
That’s why a company called Laser Power Systems has created a concept for a thorium-powered car engine. The element is radioactive, and the team uses bits of it to build a laser beam that heats water, produces steam, and powers an energy-producing turbine.

Thorium is one of the most dense materials on the planet. A small sample of it packs 20 million times more energy than a similarly-sized sample of coal, making it an ideal energy source.
The thing is, Dr. Charles Stevens, the CEO of Laser Power Systems, told Mashable that thorium engines won’t be in cars anytime soon.
“Cars are not our primary interest,” Stevens said. ”The automakers don’t want to buy them.”
He said too much of the automobile industry is focused on making money off of gas engines, and it will take at least a couple decades for thorium technology to be used enough in other industries that vehicle manufacturers will begin to consider revamping the way they think about engines.
“We’re building this to power the rest of the world,” Stevens said. He believes a thorium turbine about the size of an air conditioning unit could more provide cheap power for whole restaurants, hotels, office buildings, even small towns in areas of the world without electricity. At some point, thorium could power individual homes.

Stevens understands that people may be wary of Thorium because it is radioactive — but any such worry would be unfounded.
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